The inspiring story of a little Markie DeVoe
For anybody who has ever played the game of baseball, whether it be in the sandlot with neighborhood friends, or in the Bronx in front of 54,000 screaming fans, the most vital component to success is eyesight. Every coach at least once says «keep your eye on the ball». We have heard it time and time again, but often don’t realize how fortunate that we are to even have that ability.
Markie DeVoe is a 12-year old die-hard baseball fan from Washington, New Jersey who suffers from an extremely rare inherited disease called Choroideremia; it affects nearly one in every 50,000 people. The disease is a degenerative retinal disorder that gradually compromises a persons vision so Markie has troubles seeing at night or in the dark. As doctor says the disease typically progresses until it ultimately culminates in complete blindness. There is presently no cure for Choroideremia, but Markies family have launched the Angels For Mark campaign to assist in raising awareness about Markie and his condition.
Wade Boggs once said, «A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes». So does Markie – despite the limitations that he may have to deal with on an everyday basis, he has positive attitude throughout the entire process. His love for baseball is evident just by looking into his eyes and seeing the pure joy that the game brings to him.
Throughout the years, players, coaches and staff members from some teams have gotten to know Markie and have learned of his condition. He is often greeted by the players as they run on and off the field and they have managed to keep his spirit up when so many other children would feel down on their luck.
«The players have really taken to Mark», said Markie’s father. «Catcher Andrew Knapp would throw Mark a ball almost every game after a strike out because he knew that Mark would then go find a little kid who would never get a chance for one and give it to him. For him, it’s the competition to «catch» it and then the love to make someone happy. That is pretty cool from a little boy who can’t see at night. But, he knows that a cure is very close, and even still, he is not guaranteed to get it before more sight loss».
While there is presently no cure for Choroideremia, recent clinical trials have brought back encouraging results, and there is widespread belief that the cure is going to be in the coming years. That is why the DeVoe’s and so many supporters of Markie are hoping that they can generate funds to pass along to the Choroideremia Research Foundation in hopes of accelerating a cure.
Seth Rosin, the former Phillies pitcher, told us that he had met the Devoe’s in 2014: «I remember meeting Markie and noticing that boyish joy that kids at that age have, and it was infectious. I have a little brother not too much older than Markie and thought I could be a player that would say hello every day that they were at the stadium and create a relationship».
Rosin added, «Three years later, we are still friends on Facebook, and send messages via Twitter. The Devoe family has always had my back through good times and bad on the baseball field. It’s terrible that he has been chosen by God to battle such a difficult disease, but the Devoe’s are a special family that deserves the best, and I hope Markie can defeat this disease».
Yankees first baseman Tyler Austin, a cancer survivor, met Markie and instantly connected with him knowing that he was going to have to overcome and persevere through health obstacles just like he had done. Not only did Markie leave a lasting impression on Tyler, but he also impressed the whole Austin family.
«I first got acquainted with the DeVoe family about a year or so ago», said Tyler’s mother, Kim. «Tyler had brought home an Angels For Mark t-shirt. When I asked about it, Tyler told me of Markie’s eye condition, Choroideremia. He also began to tell me what a great young man he is, and what passion and love that he had for the game and the players. He said that Markie was a fighter like he was when he had cancer».
They added, «His courage and determination to not let his retina disease define him or limit him is truly inspiring. He has taught us all to live life to the fullest regardless of any limitations that you may have. Mark, Susan, Maggie and Markie are part of what we call our extended family. I hope that Angels for Mark continues to educate those who are unfamiliar with Choroideremia. Through their hard work, the donations, fundraising etc. that one day a cure will be found for Markie and all of those who are fighting. For now, we are proud supporters, and we are going to try this year to become more actively involved with Angels for Mark. It was one of our new year’s resolutions».
Player movement in professional baseball is like a revolving door; some find their way back; others never come back. But some of the talented prospects in the Phillies and Yankees organizations have never forgotten his story. That is why last year former IronPigs Manager Dave Brundrage organized an experience of a lifetime for Markie.
«Dave Brundrage gave us an on-field experience with the Phillies», said DeVoe Sr. «He was on the field for batting practice, and the Community Rep for the Phillies was astounded by the amount of players who came over to Markie and knew him by his first name. Maikel Franco, Hector Neris, Darin Ruff, Cameron Rupp to name a few. Even Mets pitcher Noah Syndergaard came over to say hello».
Also the DeVoe family has recently connected with Kyle Mauch, the founder, and CEO of and have discussed working on designing a shirt to help their fundraising efforts.
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and with continued support from those involved with the game of baseball, there is every reason to believe that Markie will be able to see that light for the rest of his lifetime.
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This kid is truly inspiring. One of the biggest regrets I’ve had in my life was that I never played sports in school at all. My dad was a redneck that believed, “it isn’t a sport unless it has four wheels and goes fast.” I realize that If you want something in life, take a hold of it and grab it. Don’t be scared to do something you love, be scared to NOT do something you love. And it’s never too late. You may be behind guys that started at 5 years old, but that doesn’t mean you should just give up before trying. Every team has their share of great players and then average players. Where you fit in there is to be determined but all I’m trying to say is don’t give up before you even try it. You’ll regret it.