“Poltava” is considered to be one of the most promising Ukrainian baseball teams. By the way players of this team quite recently have made their debut on the Premier League Championship. This remarkable event took place in 2013. It became possible after team’s participation in the Ukrainian Championship during which players won bronze medal of the First League.
In general entertaining, accessible to all kind of sport, baseball, has been developing in Poltava continuously. And not only in Poltava, but in the whole Ukraine, baseball gradually gains popularity.
Each of the “Poltava” players is unique and important for the team. Each player makes a certain particular contribution to the team’s victory. Thus one of the players, Ruslan Shkurynskyi, can be stranded out. His wonderful pitching game cannot be fallen on deaf ears. Oleg Kovalenko and Rostislav Starovoytov can be also called the honor of the team. Another player, Sergiy Landyk, reaches good results and shows great baseball promise.
“Poltava” sportsmen say such success is a merit of their beloved coach Taras Tkach.