Results Dutch Hoofdklasse May 17 to 20, 2018
In the Dutch Hoofdklasse Curacao Neptunus suffered their first defeat of the season, but still won their series against De Glaskoning Twins.
In the Dutch Hoofdklasse Curacao Neptunus suffered their first defeat of the season, but still won their series against De Glaskoning Twins.
After the Dutch Hoofdklasse finally got underway last weekend, four games of the week were played.
Dutch Hoofdklasse club HCAW has signed Bryce Cherry.
42-year-old Evert-Jan ’t Hoen is going to be the new manager of the Dutch National Team.
The Dutch Hoofdklasse club Quick Amersfoort has added 27-year-old Venezuelan right-hander Luis Figuera Roman to the roster for the upcoming season.
The German national team is going to replace Curacao at the Honkbalweek Haarlem 2018.
Dutch left-hander Taylor Clemensia got released at the end of the Spring Training by the Minnesota Twins.
On Saturday, March 24 the entire executive board of the Royal Dutch Baseball and Softball Association (KNBSB) led by KNBSB President Ron Schel stepped down immediately following a council meeting.
The Dutch Hoofdklasse club Hoofddorp Pioniers has added former minor leaguer Ryan Oduber.
Two Japanese players are joining Dutch Hoofdklasse clubs for the 2018 season.