Formerly England player agrees Europe can attract overseas baseball players

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1 Response

  1. Lester says:

    Some teams are already doing that. The Mariners had camps in Holland for a while which is how they got guys like Alex Liddi and Greg Holland. It’s just going to take a while. And Holland is the only country in Europe I ever visited where I saw baseball fields. Baseball has a small/niché market in Europe. Some follow and play, but most aren’t going to go out of their way to do so. It’d be a waste to try and scale a professional league. I know that some American teams are sending scouts and baseball camps into Europe. And there are MLB tours in Europe every now and then to help raise awareness. And I’m glad that step by step baseball became more popular in Europe. I’m sure in a few years it will be huge on continent. It is just the matter of time.

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