Italian Series: “Bologna” takes 2-1 lead behind Homeruns von Sambucci, Cedeno

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1 Response

  1. Dean says:

    I was at this game. Especially I remember my feelings when I discover that Ronny Cedeño is playing. Bologna’s #3 hitter was announced and I swore I heard “Ronny Cedeño.” No, that couldn’t be right. The former utility infielder for the Cubs and Pirates? Nah, it couldn’t be. I went to get a program between inning, and OH MY GOD, IT IS HIM. They even take out a whole page to do a feature on him, because apparently his coming to play in Italy is a big deal. This was his third game with the team, apparently, and he was so far 1 for 8. He was DH-ing. Of all the things I expected to find at the game, a former major leaguer was not one of them. This was probably the most excited anyone has ever been after learning Ronny Cedeño is in the lineup.

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