“Challengers” has won the 20th spring tournament in Zurich
Two local teams have met in the spring tournament finals that took place in Zurich. “Zurich Challengers” beaten “Zurich Barracudas” with the score 3-2. It was their fourth victory after 1998, 2000 and 2011.
“Barracudas” managed to win all matches in their subgroup. On Sunday they won over the German team “Herrenberg Wanderers” and reached the final with the score 5-3. But “Challengers” had to fight until the last to reach the final stage of competition.
The crucial match against “Dominican Allstars” was held on Sunday. “Challengers” went ahead until the last inning with the score 3-2. But later, opponents managed to turn the tables by two runs that allowed them to reach the final. “Challangers” had made a run and thus got the opportunity to play an extra inning. It helped plyers not to become a losing team. “Challangers” won having fulfilled an out when the bases were loaded.
The final game was less spectacular. “Challengers” scored during the first inning and “Barracudas” made two runs. Robert Sedin’s team got ahead again in the third inning and hold the lead until the end of the match. After such strong opposition, the Swiss baseball players are definitely ready to start the season 2017 that will be on April 22.