Baseball bookshelf 2017. Part 5
We continue to review the “Baseball bookshelf 2017” series.
Former players also telling stories include Rick Ankiel, the St. Louis Cardinal who lost his ability to pitch. In “The Phenomenon” written with Tim Brown, Ankiel speaks of succumbing to the anxiety disorder commonly called the yips, then reclaiming his career as an outfielder. Ankiel has company.
Dennis Snelling’s biography, “Lefty O’Doul” tells of the pitcher who, after a sore arm, became one of baseball’s greatest hitters and coaches and helps to establish the game in Japan.
“Ballplayer” is a memoir from Chipper Jones (with Carroll Rogers Walton), the Hall of Famer who spent his entire 19-year career with the Atlanta Braves. Mets fans know he enjoyed beating their team so much that he named one son Shea, after Shea Stadium; but they may not know that Jones hit his first major-league homer there. He details that moment and many others, including off-field behavior.
Read more about new baseball books in our next publications.
See the previous “Baseball bookshelf 2017” publications here: