Results Italian Baseball League April, 2017
The Italian Baseball League got underway this past weekend with eight games. T&A San Marino swept Tommasin Padua 13-3 and 5-2. Novara stunned ASD Rimini with 5-1 and 7-4 wins. Unipol Bologna pounded the promoted Padule 12-3 and 11-0. Angel Service Nettuno picked up 7-4 and 7-5 victories over Parmaclima.
Padule vs UnipolSai | 15/04 (16.00) a Sesto Fiorentino | 15/04 (21.00) a Sesto Fiorentino
0–11 (7°) |
Angel Service vs Parmaclima | 14/04 (20.30) a Nettuno | 15/04 (20.30) a Nettuno | |
Novara vs Rimini | 14/04 (20.30) a Novara | 15/04 (20.30) a Novara | |
T&A vs Tommasin | 14/04 (20.30) a Serravalle
13–3 (7°) |
15/04 (20.30) a Serravalle |
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