Baseball, Wine, and the Next “Italian Baseball Superstar”
Mark Teahen is coming out of retirement to play for Tommasin Padua in Italy. Retired since a final push at 2014 Spring Training, Teahen is arguably the highest profile player to every sign with an Italian Baseball League club.
Mark and his wife Lauren took a trip to Italy that they thought might afford a final playing opportunity, but instead gave them an idea for a business. The Teahens had a memorable time at a wine tasting bar in Chianti, and decided to open their own establishment, Sorso. We recently had the pleasure of chatting with Teahen about his decision to play in Italy.
What was your reaction when Padua contacted you?
We assessed it for the family. I wasn’t really just sitting at home with Sorso and the family! We didn’t really think we could do it at first.
So what made you go for it?
We had a charity event that hadn’t gone exactly as expected. After the charity event had wrapped, we had a lunch that turned into dinner and over the course of the day we talked to everyone we needed to cover us in our absence. Everything we thought would restrict us ended up sorting it out.
You’ve played everywhere from Alaska to Toronto and across the US. How do you think that will help you cope with the move to Italy?
I’ve been able to play in so many different time zones, I’ll use stuff I’ve learned in every stop to make the adjustment smooth. The great thing about baseball is that it is a game of adjustment, and my ability to adjust will help out.
You’ve played for Canada in the World Baseball Classic. Did you consider it for the upcoming tournament?
Canada does a good job developing their young guys, so they don’t really look for that many players to fill out the roster. I did see a couple of older guys [Eric Gagné and Ryan Dempster] were on the roster. I missed the last tournament [in 2013] as I was trying to make it on to a roster.
How do you feel like your time away from the game has affected your approach to baseball?
I’ve been staying in shape, but not in baseball shape. Today I’ll take groundballs, tomorrow I’ll hit, and so on. Just taking it slowly. Once I get back into playing games, it will all come naturally.
Marco [Flores d’Arcais, Padoua’s Vice President] suggested you’d be playing mostly first base or third base. Have you talked them about it? Any preference?
I talked to them a bit, and I kind of have every glove. I look forward to playing third base as it was my original position. I can still play corner outfield.
What are spring training plans?
We’re going over mid-march, and the first game is mid-April. We’ll go over and get comfortable. I don’t fully know the spring schedule. I’m assuming it won’t be quite as intense, not as long.
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I am sure, Teahen miss about baseball. Maybe his business is successful. But how it can replace his career in baseball. I can give a 100%, he gave reasons to his family about moving to Italy. Because, this game is all his life. I am sure, he is in a perfect baseball shape. And he is vry skilled in this game. Otherwise, Padua will never propose him a new contract. So, it doesn’t matter how old you are if you a really professional in your field. I am looking forward Teahen’s new victories.